lEARning FROm DOinG

Vocabulary learnt from hiking:

  • spring / sprang / sprung : to move quickly
    those deer sprang. 
  • barn: a large building on a farm in which animals or hay and grain are kept
    we saw a large barn. 
  • straw: the dried yellow stems of crops
    a bale of straw
    a straw hat 
  • flint: a kind of stones
  • elderberry: a kind of berries
  • cock: an adult male chicken
  • vane: a flat narrow part of a fan which turns because of the pressure of air 
  • windmill: a building or structure with large blades on the outside that provide the power for getting water out of the ground or crushing grain when turned by the force of the wind
  • wind turbine: a tall structure with blades that are blown round by the wind and provide power to make electricity
    Wind Turbine

  • maize (UK) / corn (US.)
  • lone (adj): alone
    a lone tree
    a lone survivor
    lone parent
    he was a lone voice arguing against a reduction in resources.
  • doing sb's head in: to make someone feel confused and unhappy; annoying
    Getting up at four o'clock every morning was doing my head in.
    He's really doing my head in.
  • in the middle of nowhere: describes a place far away any towns and cities and where few people live.
    he lives in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere.

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