GirL fRieNDs

Although I am used to getting along with boys, I'd like to make friends with girls. The probable reason is there're always more male friends than females around me. It can be deduced from my chosen domain of study.
In the past, I once considered the complicated thinkings of girl made me hard to do with. However, after 23-year relationships with boys and girls I realized it's not about the genders but the personalities. Accutually sometimes it seems more comfortable to have relationships with girls. There seems to be a contridiction in my words. I think the alteration is caused by some fights, embarrassments, or pleasures with girls and gradually I comprehend that the concept, "boys are easier to do with", are just from my custom not because girls are tough to understand. After all I am a girl.
From this, I think I am still kind of conservative to get acquainted with strangers, even friends. I expect myself making some progress in the aspect.

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