TiMe is MOney

no time to make all of my thoughts as an articles. Time is money, especially when I am living in London. Some simple quick thoughts flashed in my mind:

  • When you enjoy the moments you are consuming, also keep in mind that you have to create values, in any aspect, at the same time. the value I mentioned here does not directly refer to money. Instead, it is more like an abstract concept of value. It can be the value of yourself, like learning something, accumulating experience, even absorbing joy which can make the rest of your day happier, taking a rest to resume energy. 
  • I always think work is important, but don't really know why. Now the reason has become clearer that it is not only because earning money is essential, but also the feeling of growing and achievement in my mind. That explains why I may get anxious while I've found I didn't do something I was planning to do or I would like to do. 
  • I like travelling. Facing new things, people, and environments makes me stressed but energetic. I understand no one is flawless and being true to your emotions and abilities is nothing you should shame on. Only being able to truly face to yourself and human nature can make yourself calm and confident to take over the challenges coming to you. 
  • Understanding yourself, including body conditions, mindset, and values, is important. It can help you to make decisions that you won't regret for, to balance your own life, to feel comfortable about yourself. 

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