1. create a local account user:
a) right click "My Computer"
b) select "Manage"
c) select "Local users and Groups"
d) right click "Users" and select "New user..." to create a new local user account
2. add the local user into the permission list of the folder you want to share
a) right click the folder you want to shared
b) select "Properties/sharing/share..."
c) type the local user you created and add it into the list
d) change the "Permission Level" to "Read/Write" for full access permission
3. mount the shared folder in you CentOS
a) create the shared folder in CentOS, such as "/mnt/shared"
b) type the following command with root privilege
mount -t cifs -o username="theUserName",password="thePassword",domain="theDomainOfWindows" //theIPofWindows/theFolderToBeShared /mnt/shared/