i have been working on web site development since last Aug. Apart from PHP, which is what i am familiar with, i 've started to learn more about JS/CSS/HTML because there is no dedicated front-end developer (FED) available in my office. Of course don't even mention the UI designer.
to be honest, i am sure that my js code must be very messy in the professional eyes. JS is so different from the language i've learnt so far. basically the learning process is :
a. wondering if i can do it
b. looking it up on google
c. try and error
d. repeat step b and c until the task has done, or give it up and try to think of other possible solutions and re-start from step a
this kind of learning process is fine and rather commonly seen in RD's life. however, lacking of systematical learning procedure is also dangerous, at least to my feeling (ha XD). same situation applies to the way i learn CSS, but the result probably even worse.
all the frustration caused by JS/CSS remind me that i really need a time to learn them step by step. i hope at least after this job, i won't feel hesitant to say i know JS. (as to css...hmmmmmm....let it be bah~~~~lalalalala. )
p.s. 1. however, deep in my mind, i am not really happy with being away from JAVA for such a long time. i have to find another way to get there!
p.s. 2. several topics queuing now:
Android, security programming practices for web development, unit test and refactoring, Python